a DI saying that masturbating is Mak
which means not recommended you know
that we have five rulings mandatory then
recommended then permissible then Mak
then Haram so Mak is a degree above
Haram above prohibition but if you do it
you're not sinful if you leave it then
you are rewarded so he says that I heard
a saying so so what's the ruling of
masturbation masturbation is prohibited
and why do we say it's prohibited
because our Scholars like
like and many other contemporary
Scholars great Scholars of Islam say it
is prohibited Imam shafii before them
decades ago centuries ago also said that
it is Haram because Allah mentioned
inah and in
so Allah says that those who protect
their private parts from any illicit
prohibited sexual intercourse unless
it's with their wives and what their
right hand possesses and whoever chooses
to fulfill his desire in other means
then they are the transgressors and this
brings us to uh shad's from India's
question so we hit two birds with one
stone what kind of transgression is this
whenever you do something that Allah has
prohibited this is a form of
transgression against Allah so this Ayah
IM shaf says is a clearcut that
satisfying your sexual desires other
than what Allah has permitted you to do
is a form of transgression in another
Hadith and the prophet was addressing
the youth and he said to them oh youth
whoever is financially capable and
physically capable of getting married
then he should get married because this
helps him to lower his gaze and protect
his Chastity so this is the natural
Channel okay prophet of Allah I can't
afford to get married what should I do
I'm still suffering I cannot lower my my
gaze and I cannot preserve my chastity
meaning that I can't get maded what to
do did the prophet say go and masturbate
because this is degree number two level
two never he told them whoever is unable
to afford it then he should fast this
would be to him a blockage of his sexual
desire so now you compare Apple to app
the scholars said it's Haram IM sha said
it's Haram the prophet directed us to
fast and never ever he agreed or
permitted the companions to masturbate
so if you do the math you certainly know
and understand that this is prohibited
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